Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Setup Varnish Backed With Nginx



About me:

An expert sysAdmin with over 6 years of experience in Server Hosting Solutions.


This Gig is specifically for a server performance boost to handle high traffic. We'll setup Nginx backed with Varnish to serve and cache requests that frequently access website content.

Normally When a user visits your site, the series of requests are sent to the server in order to make the page load. The server must then find the files associated with those requests, execute any server-side code related to the requests and return the complete web page to the user. This series of requests eat CPU(To execure server-side code), RAM(To execute the code) and DISK IOs(To find files associated with the requests) each time a user sends a request.

To reduce resource usage, we add Nginx And Varnish as a proxy to cache responses of the backend. Now, if user visit webpage for the first time, Varnish will cache its response in memory and if the same webpage is requested again it'll be served from the cache. This will drastically improve site performance because the cached result uses way less processing power than the original requests.


: : : : :

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