Sunday, March 29, 2020

Install And Configure Vicidial For Call Centers


I will install the Vicidial call center software, setup campaigns, do settings, setup voip so that your call center can simply start taking calls. 

I will provide initial help with:

1. VOIP Carrier Setup

2. Sip Phone configuration x-lite, eyebeam, zopier

3. uploading leads

4. tweaks for answering machine detection

5. call transfer to agents and external phones

6. DID setup

Vicidial Installation: I will need VPS or dedicated Linux web hosting with root access to setup vicidial on.  Please order web hosting extra if you need us to provide it.

Viciidal Avatar or Soundboard Campaign: I will need the script written in a word file or audio recordings in a professional voice. Please order extras if you will need us to do the audio recordings for you. 

Note: If you purchase hosting addon, we will need additional information 

  1.  your company name
  2.  Your campaign Information
  3.  A government provide ID proof


: : : : :

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