I will provide my services in Digital Forensic scenarios and consultancy.I would
- Analyze Vm's or System for artifacts
- Analyze mail headers for validations
- Analyze disk images or memory images
- Analyze malware, suspicious files for clues
- Data Recovery
- Network Forensic
- Smartphone Forensic
- Analyze Logs from IDS, IPS, SIEM's
- Metadata analysis
- Provide consultancy in digital support services
- Report Writing
- Research Writing
Security Tools (NMAP, Nessus, Acunetix, SQLMap, AppScan, ZAP, NSlookUP, Metasploit etc)
Digital Forensics Tool: FTK Imager, Volatility Memory Forensics, Autopsy ,Redline, Dumpit, Encase
Forensics Toolkit Memory Forensic.

Seller's Response:
Great communication. very happy with his work
Seller's Response:Thanks a lot for the review and recommendations
Seller's Response:Happy to work again and again. Thank you
Seller's Response:Clear and quick communications
:Thanks a lot

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