Friday, May 1, 2020

Setup Your Teamspeak Server With Multiple Bots


I will look into your offer and wirte you within 24 hours back. Then i will tell if the price is fine and how long it will take. After that I´ll gonna setup your Teamspeak...

  • I SetUp your an TS3 Server on your VPS
  • Webinterface to controll your TeamSpeak server easier(Look at the Gallery)

  • 2 Sinusbot(Musik and more) (With Webinterface)
  • A RankSystem for your TeamSpeak with Webinterface(eg. A User is 1 Hour on your TS3 and now he gets automaticly the Server Group User)
  • +BASIC

  • - Your own dynamic banner (e.g Displays current Users/Stuff)(With Webinterface)
  • - Script for Sinusbot (Support Script (A User Joins the Support Channel and Stuff Member get noticed))

  • - A configurated TS3 (I have 3-4 Themplates for TeamSpeak and you can Choos with one you want to have)




very fast and friendly


Very nice guy and helped me a lot (:


Good and professional forck!

: :

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